Celebrate Independence Day with Tickled Teal Photography! Children of all ages are invited to participate in the Red, White and Blue sessions being held throughout July. Children play in the simple yet festive set designed to keep the focus of the portraits on them. They interact with props, hug stuffed bears, and sit in the red wagon. Tickled Teal Photography uses simple designs with several seating and posing options to produce beautiful portraits of your children that you will cherish forever. Families may personalize their session with a favorite toy or a special item that has meaning to them.
The Independence Day celebration begins on June 27 with Two Red, White, & Blue model sessions! One session is reserved for a boy and the other for a girl. Children from ages 2 to 7 may join in the fun! Participating families receive a complimentary session and two 8×10 photographs.

Please contact me here for information about the Red, White, & Blue sessions.